Cups and
Cups and Balls Magic Reviews
Place your mouse on the above picture for a close up view
Product: Birch Burl with Black Walnut lip
Maker: Eric
Price: $65
Overview:    5/5
The price of this chop cup belies its beauty I
don't like to use the word "cheap" because it makes it sound of a lesser quality so I am simply going to
say that Eric's pieces give amazing value for money.
What's Included?:
All the items in the picture above were
included with the set, the chop cup itself, the bag and the balls (one magnetic and one straight ball.)
The balls themselves are bounce no bounce balls so you have an extra effect there should you want to include
the gag.
Delivery Time /
It would be unfair to comment on
the delivery time for this item because it was held up in customs, however it took a little over 3 weeks from
Canada. What I can tell you with certainty is that the postmark on the shipping box was dated the day after I
messaged Eric on the magic cafe to do the deal.
The package included 2 chop cups and a chopped bowl (reviewed
elsewhere on the site) and all were expertly wrapped in poly bags and paper before being securely packaged in a
strong box with further padding.
I doubt Eric could have packaged it better to be honest.
I wouldn't hesitate to deal with Eric again and recommend him highly.
Construction /
This is a well put together piece, full stop. Not only does
Eric have an eye for a piece of wood but he knows how to bring out the best in
There are some people (like me for instance) who look at a piece
of wood and see, well... a slab of wood... and there are other people (like Eric) who look at that same
piece of wood and see chop cups, ball vases, cups and ball sets, bowls and all manner of wonderful
I have linked the thumbnail's at the top of the reviews of
Eric's work to hi-res pictures because I want people who read these reviews to appreciate the lovely grain
and finish on these things.
As far as hiding the gaff goes, well I have shown a picture of the inside of the
cup and there is nothing to find. To be honest with you I have had both of Eric's cups on the mantle and
people have commented on them, they don't look like magic props, they look like something you would find in a
high end gift shop attached to a gallery.
In fact, I tend to think of Eric as more of an artisan than a
"magic dealer" myself anyway.
As far as durability goes, it's very well made and I expect
to be using this cup for many years to come.
No issues here, it does exactly what it says on the tin! The
action of the chop cup pleases me greatly too, in as much as I can control the drop (or not) very easily
without slamming the cup down.
The ball rests nicely on top of the cup due to the dimple Eric has created in the
saddle and it has a nice weight to it too for a wooden cup.
This cup is designed to take a regulation tennis ball which it
does adequately and the contrast of a "dayglo" tennis ball against the wood looks
I have thought long and hard about what to write here because I don't want to sound
like Eric is paying me for the review but I can't find fault with
I read a review of Eric's work over at cupscon by Bruce (BCS) and
I thought that the cups Bruce had sounded beautiful, I was still awaiting mine eagerly at the time so I was
glad of Bruce's review. In fact I enjoy reading all of Bruce's
However, I digress, not only is it a thing of beauty, it does
its job perfectly and it just feels right in my
Maybe I was lucky to have stumbled upon a cup that is just right
for me or maybe it's the way Eric makes them, I don't know, but what I do know is that I have a new
favourite chop cup. Thank you Eric!
Available from: Eric Hansen
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