Cups and Balls
Cups and Balls Magic
Guest Reviewer Bruce Smith
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Product: Paul Fox Copper Cups
Maker: RNT2
Price: Current RNT2 Website Price $249.00
Overview:    4.5/5
(This would have
been a 5 if they were original PF's)
What's Included?:
A very basic velvet like drawstring bag (no
Delivery Time /
This set of Cups took about 6 months to
arrive; they were packaged with care with the remaining outstanding items that
were on order (purchased during the RNT2 closeout
period for $149.)
Construction /
What wonderful Cups; I have always been
attracted to Cups with rings. This set was spun out of the heavier copper and have
a satin finish. These are the first set of satin
finished copper Cups that I own… it is true, the satin finished Cups turn that
brown color we all desire very quickly (the quickest
of any Cups that I have.)
What a great set of Cups, truly a classic in
design. I am sure that whoever reads this has been to Bill Palmer’s Cups and
Balls Museum and has read the history of the Paul
Fox Cups. I have never seen a set of original Paul Fox Cups in the flesh,
but comparing the RNT2 PF Cups to all the pictures
of the originals at the museum, I would have to say that the RNT2 PF Cups
look pretty much dead on to the real
I have spent countless hours looking at the
Cups at the C&B Museum and many times in particular, studying the photo of
the Paul Fox Cups next to a Thermos brand cup.
It is said that Paul Fox might have gotten his inspiration for his Cup design
from the Thermos Cup; Bill Palmer thinks not,
however I disagree.
I see the similarity between the two and can
see how one might lead to the other. I admit that I have
not done any research as to the timeline of the Thermos design and how it relates to
the time of conception of the Paul Fox Cup… but to
me it make sense.
Wherever Paul Fox got his inspiration, I am glad that he did… for I love all
the truncated, rounded ringed Cups that have come since (my favorites being the RNT2 Squatty 2
The RNT2 PF Cups are quite stout for their
size, each Cup just short of 3” high and about 3” wide at the mouth. I have
been using RNT2 hunter green 1” balls with them;
the green looking very good against the brown copper. The 1” balls will not
sit together on the Cup’s saddle nor stack as
such, but with the routines I do, this not a problem.
The RNT2 PF Cups have been designed to conceal a lacrosse ball for its
final load. The lacrosse balls I have on hand are just a tad too big to work. One
of these days I will go to a sporting goods store
and find the balls that will work (not all lacrosse balls are the same size and
vary from manufacture to
You can tell by my writings above that I am
quite satisfied with the RNT2 PF Cups. One day I shall have a set of the
originals, until then these will certainly do. RNT2
spins this Cup in many different finishes, probably the next set I will acquire will have
a chromed finish. I highly recommend this
classic Cup to everyone.
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Thanks Bruce!
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