Cups and Balls
Cups and Balls Magic Reviews
Product: Love
Maker: Gary Animal (
Gary Knights )
Overview:    4.5/5
These cups were sold in order to buy a set of mega thick love
cups, I found the photographs in a cups and ball folder awaiting review. I cannot recall the price,
however these were bought directly from Gary a good few years back as seconds.
Cups and balls sold by Gary as seconds can hardly be described as
such. This particular set was used by me for around 6 months with no issues or problems what so
ever. The cups themselves were pretty much perfect, the reason Gary sold them as seconds was because
one of the shoulder beads had a slightly flatter top to it, you can see this in the photographs
This in no way affected the handling at all and just gave the cups
character. Ironically the cups that Gary classes as seconds are better than some sets of cups and balls
I have bought that were meant to be perfect!
The reason I am reviewing these (even though some of the details
are less accurate) is because I will be reviewing Gary's Mega Thick Love Cups next week. Think of these
as a kind of "prelude." What's
This set just included the cups themselves. The latest deals
Gary has been selling on facebook have included a pouch, cups and balls, wand and leather or suede bag (I
bought a lovely set of Gazzo's recently.)
Delivery Time /
If I remember correctly these came when Gary was in the UK which would date them to around 2006
(?) With this in mind I cannot recall the exact postage detials however I have bought from Gary a few
times and every time he package has been shipped well packaged and within a few days. He's a solid
Construction /
The Love cups and a beautiful set of cups and balls, they are very
aesthetically pleasing but also built like tanks. Gary has a good eye and he's very artistic but he
also knows how to make incredibly durable, well designed cups.
Gary's cups and balls sets always have personality because his shoulder beads are spun on air
rather than using rollers.
Faultless. These were designed by a well heeled and seasoned
performer who knows the business inside out. Gary is pretty unique in that he has studied art and
sculpture, knows the ins and outs of performing, knows the manufacturing process and culminates all of that
into incredibly suitable and hard working cups that look great.
Even though this set was classed as Gary as seconds they were
perfect workers.
Overall I loved using and worknig with these cups and I never
would have parted with them, the only reason I did was to fund a set of Mega Thick Love Cups. I love
heavy cups and I always wanted a set and, with love cups being one of my favourite sets of cups it seemed the
natural route to go. Next week I will be reviewing the Mega Thick
Available from: Gary Knights
© 2009 Cups and
Balls Magic