Cups and Balls
Cups and Balls Magic
Michael Ammar's Fab Fruit Common Cup
It's no secret that I love the Fab Fruit and for a while now when speaking to people
about it, a common question has been how much clearance there is with a particular
To be honest Michael designed this product so
well that it fits most any cup so you can rest assured that you'll probably be
However, because a few people have asked I thought I would put up a few
photographs of the fruit with some of the most commonly used cups.
I have not taken photgraphs of the cups with anything over a
tennis ball sized final load type.
Obviously there are some cups which have changed over the years
or have many manufacturers who all vary the design slightly. Where this is the case I have noted the maker and / or
approximate age.
For instance the Morrissey cups I have are very different to
the ones currently available and I have taken pictures of 2 different types on Monti cups though there are many
manufacturers who have "borrowed" the design.
Simply click on the name of the cups you want to check out or
scroll through to look at them all.
I highly recommend all the Fab Fruit for cups and balls and
chop cup users, I love it!
Morrissey Back

Animal Love Cups Back

Bazar De Magia Back

Original Ecore Monti Back

RNT2 Foxy 2.5's Back

Jes Squatty
1 Back

Squatty 2 Back

Johnson Cups Back

Keith Bennett Back

Original Sisti Professionals Back

RNT2 Paul Fox Back

Cups Back

Cocobolo Back

Riser Standard Back

RNT2 Mendoza Combo Back

RNT2 Sisti
Cups Back

RNT2 Monti
Cups Back

Sherwood Back

Harry Stanley
Cups Back

Ken Brooke / House Of Veroni

Fab Fruit Available from:
Michael Ammar
remember - This site is a free resource so please pass on your thanks
by mentioning us when you place an order for
© 2009 Cups and
Balls Magic