Cups and Balls
Cups and Balls Magic Reviews
Guest Reviewer Bruce Smith
Product: SBL Designer Series Foxy 2.5 Copper Cups
Maker: RNT2
Price: $374.99 (current price although these were bought for $250 during the closing down sale.)
ed's note. Amazingly Donnie is still doing these at $249.99!
Overview:    5/5
Review What's Included?:
3 Spun copper
Cups and basic black bag. Construction /
They say good things come to those that wait; I can attest to this. Late
in October of 2008, I ordered from RNT2 a set of SBL Designer Foxy 2.5 Copper Cups. They finally arrived as of
early May 2009 and I am here to say they were worth the wait.
I received 3 gleaming polished copper Cups and
a standard nondescript black bag. Like all the RNT2 Cups in my collection, these Cups were spun with the same
love and attention to detail.
Best that I can research the RNT2 SBL Designer Foxy 2.5
Cups, it seems they came to be in early 2006; to this day this set of Cups has remained a favorite of
magicians due to their final load capacity (this being a standard sized tennis ball) and their deceptive
By this I mean that the Cups look as though
they could never contain their final load. The illusion is even greater than that of a Paul Fox Cup
concealing a lacrosse ball. So far I have been using them with 7/8 th” sized balls which just look right to
me. The Cup is capable of concealing 3 such balls on the saddle with the Cups
What great cups these are, small, handsome and deceptive. We probably appreciate the different
shapes of the cups more so then our spectators ever will. Appearance wise, the SBL Designer Foxy 2.5
Cups remind me of a Cup designed during the Art Nuevo period… very sleek lines and modernistic looking. I
received the set highly polished and for now, the Cups are telling me that they want to remain
Performance wise, one would be hard pressed to find any faults. As stated
above the SBL Designer Foxy 2.5 Cups are a favorite and very well regarded in the magic community; in my
opinion they are destined to become a classic.
Until you actually see the Cups in person and touch them, will you have an understanding of
their beauty and beguile. I recommend that you seek out a set to try and become captivated under their
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Thanks Bruce!
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